The information you provide for the purpose of completing your order is only used to fulfil your order. Sharing of information will be limited to partners or third parties who are integral to the order fulfilment process (for example, courier companies).

Mockingbird Street employs various services to monitor our website performance and visitor browsing characteristics. This information is aggregated and analysed to determine how the content provided (website, blog, newsletters, promotions) may better match our visitors’ needs.

Cookies can be used to improve your experience while shopping (by remembering what was in your cart between visits). A cookie is a small data file that is sent to and shared with your computer. You can control the use of cookies via the settings on your browser.

Information about individuals will not be disclosed without consent, except where required by law.

Anyone who participates in interactive activities (contests, membership programs, message boards, purchases, newsletter subscriptions, surveys) may be asked to provide information. This information may be used to communicate promotional offers or related information about our company, our partners and relevant third parties. Furthermore that information may be used to design the marketing messages received by the recipients.

The security of your information is a priority for Mockingbird Street. Information will only be shared within Mockingbird Street on a need-to-know basis. All electronic information is stored with password protection.

When purchasing online your payment details are processed securely using 128-bit SSL (secure socket layer) encryption.

Please note that sites linking to may have different privacy policies. Mockingbird Street will provide links to third party sites that may have different privacy policies in our communications (website, blog, newsletters, surveys).

If you have any questions regarding privacy please contact us on [email protected].

Mockingbird Street seeks to comply with Australian privacy laws.